Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Application of Erik Eriksons Theories Essay - 2325 Words
Erik Erikson was a researcher of the Psychodynamic perspective who lived through the years 1902 to 1994. He developed a theory that dealt with the stages of human development and was referred to as a Neo-Freudian. A Neo-Freudian are those â€Å"who have revised Sigmund Freud’s theory†(Massey, 1986). His theory argued that â€Å"both society and culture challenge and shape us†(Feldman, 2011). Erik Erikson’s theory of psychological development does not specify specific ages, so the age categories can only be guessed upon. It is my personal thought that this was a smart move due to different age milestones for different cultures. The essay titled Erik Erikson: Ages, stages, and stories argues that the stages â€Å"are organized into a system of†¦show more content†¦If the individual’s needs are not met in this stage the individual will most likely develop a mistrust that will hamper relationship in the future. The relationship between pare nt and caregiver is vital. â€Å"It is during the first months of life that the baby comes to trust or not, to have faith or not. Whether trust and faith are developed has direct implications for identity formation†(Goodwin, 1998) The goal of this stage is to gain ‘Hope’. Our subject Belinda was born prematurely on May 23, 1990. During the early part of life the subject was very sickly as an infant. This did not seem to effect Belinda’s formation of Trust. According to the subject’s mother, Patricia Hickman, Belinda was â€Å"a very trusting and happy baby, besides being colic.†(P. Hickman, personal communication, May 29, 2011). Early Childhood: Autonomy v. Shame. Early Childhood is roughly from 18 months to 3 years. During early childhood, the second stage of Erikson’s theory manifests; this stage is called Autonomy v. Shame. In this stage, â€Å"the psycho social theme of autonomy-shame and doubt is manifested during toddlerhood and leads to self-will or will-power.†(Ginsburg, 1992) If all the needs of the individual are met at this stage they develop a feeling of self-control and power over themselves. If the individual’s needs are not met in this stage they tend to develop feelings of shame and doubt in themselves. â€Å"If individualsShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory On Child Development1388 Words  | 6 PagesErik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory on Child Development Erik Erikson, a well known developmental theorist, developed his theory about stages of human development from birth to death by using Freud s work as a starting point. According to Erikson, personality develops in a series of stages. Erikson found out that children experience conflicts which affect their development. 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